Vikash Sharma is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS). Vikash has undergone rigorous training and testing to achieve his Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT) designation through Maitland Australian Physiotherapy Seminars. He is also a certified Running Coach through The Road Runners Club of America and The United States Track and Field Association. Vikash has a strong passion for continuing education and he is an evidence-driven practitioner committed to remaining at the forefront of the profession. He is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and The United States Track and Field Association. Vikash has been an avid runner and weight trainer for most of his life and competes in local road races. He also loves to play golf, hike, skateboard, meditate and pretend to be an iron chef in the kitchen.



Vikash and Kathryn talk about the future of physical therapy, and how rehab can be blended with movement and exercise. They discuss running, and how people can begin to prepare their bodies through progressive loading and, you guessed it, strength training. Vikash gives some great examples of how lifting heavy can help tissues adapt to the higher forces that are felt during movements like running. This is a conversation about tissue adaptation, enjoying exercise, mobility, and building a strong foundation.


In this episode…

 Follow Vikash Sharma on IG @vikashsharmadpt
Click here to check out Perfect Stride Physical Therapy in NYC
Mentioned in this podcast…
Dr. Mark Cucuzella – West Virginia click here
4 Skips to prepare for running click here
Jay Dicharry – running research (million dollar treadmill)  click here
UVA Running Medicine Conference click here
Bruce Wilk running book click here


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For details on where and when Kathryn is teaching Worldwide in 2019 and beyond, visit the Workshops page.