Carl Paoli is a movement professional, coach and author, whose passion lies in sharing the language and beauty of basic human movement with others. After years of competitive gymnastics, Carl’s studies took him across the globe introducing him to new sports, communities and career callings in the fitness industry, becoming a household name in Cross-Fit circles. Carl found a gap in the way movement was being taught and what he had experienced via his own practices, seizing the opportunity to create unique programming , methodologies and philosophies that are now sought out by coaches and professionals around the world.
This is a really honest and inspiring conversation between Kathryn and Carl, two young movement creatives with well rounded practices, open minds, rootings in scientific teachings and philosophical ideals, who are not afraid to ask questions, chat about controversial issues and call upon others in the industry to explore and expand the conversations and language being used to communicate progression, adaptation, intent, interoception, and more. They talk about cultural holds and ideas, what problems need to be solved and how to cultivate awareness around the common thread that what people really need in life and in fitness, most of all, is themselves. Carl and Kathryn manage all of this, while holding great respect for all styles and disciplines in an effort to spark growth and change in individuals and the industry.
Carl’s book Freestyle, is a best seller, and his subsequent work has spawned an online community of thinkers and doers with resources and training programs dedicated to inform, encourage and connect.
In this episode…
Carl Paoli \\ Freestyle Connection
Freestyle Connection Carl’s online community with resources and information to support you in maximizing life. Here you can find Carl’s in-person teaching schedule, online training programs, blog, a link to his best selling book, and other favorite things.
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For details on where and when Kathryn is teaching Worldwide in 2018 and beyond, visit the Workshops page.