Kathryn Budig is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher and author known for her accessibility, humor, and ability to empower her students through her message, “aim true.” The Kansas native graduated from the University of Virginia with a double degree in English and Drama before moving to Los Angeles, where she trained at Yogaworks under the tutelage of her mentors, Maty Ezraty and Chuck Miller. Now based out of Charleston, NC and with over a decade of experience, Kathryn’s work spans mediums and genres (check out the recently launched Season 2 of her podcast Free Cookies!) as they relate to yoga and living well both on an off the mat. We are honored to have Kathryn join the Mindful Strength podcast to share her journey and insights with our community.
In this episode, Kathryn and Kathryn connect on their journeys growing through their respective practices: with their come up in Ashtanga communities and the perpetual evolution of they ways in which they move, live and teach in our present cultural landscape. They share some musings and challenges of creating podcasts and chat candidly about entrepreneurship and their relationships to yoga. Kathryn Budig share’s how she came to the yoga practice, who and what her major influences have been, the special early days of her practice and connection to her yoga family in LA, what she’s inspired by now, the ways in which both her personal and teaching practice have changed, what yoga really means to her and how she endeavours to support people in finding what suits them – creating positive and accessible space for others to explore, challenge themselves, and ultimately, transform.
In this episode…
Kathryn Budig \\ @kathrynbudig
Connect with Kathryn via her website which is full of her writing, great resources and where you can catch her in person teaching around the world. Also check out the following…
- Kathryn’s Podcast \\ Free Cookies
- Practice with Kathryn on Yogaglo.com
- Kathryn’s major influences as mention in this podcast: Maty Ezraty, Seane Corn
You can subscribe to the Mindful Strength Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. If you enjoy the podcast, please consider leaving us a rating and review!
For details on where and when Kathryn is teaching Worldwide in 2018, visit the Workshops page.