
Patrick Beach is an international yoga teacher based in  Los Angeles, CA. Patrick’s continued evolution through yoga has always been off the beaten path and he presently teaches a system called Awakening Yoga; methods that were born out of his own practice, philosophies and learnings adapted from traditional forms, influenced by his athletic and general background, and rooted in a holistic purpose to inspire, work with and engage people in creating experiences with which they can hopefully access awareness in body and mind.

Patrick is incredibly authentic in this conversation and it was really interesting connect with a successful young person at the heart of the Western yoga scene who has gained much popularity in the online social world. Kathryn and Patrick chat about starting their teaching careers at a young age and how the benefits of that happening organically for each of them. They talk about the teaching as craft, learning, exploring and connecting with others, as well as putting yourself out there to the world when you believe in yourself and something good. Other conversation topics include:  identifying and playing to individuals natural capabilities and structural realities in training, handstanding (a favorite of both!), authenticity, Instagram notoriety, love for all movement, respecting the individual, and how good old word of mouth mentions are at the heart of creating real loyal communities. Patrick hits home with his fundamental approach to not just doing something because its been done before, but because it’s something  that should be done now.  We couldn’t agree more.


In this episode…

Patrick Beach   \\  patrickbeach.com
Learn more about Patrick and check his  global and local teaching schedule  via his website. Patrick also has  great resources and classes available online. If you are in the LA area check out Patrick’s studio  Commune.


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For details on where and when Kathryn is teaching Worldwide in 2018 and beyond, visit the Workshops page.