
Strong to the Core

Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $179.00.

Scroll down for full details.



Begins January 17th 2024

14 Classes total, follow along in real time or complete the program at your own pace.

Live class is Wednesday 12:00-1:00pm ET

All live classes are recorded and available within 24 hours. Live classes also include Q&A, we are here to help you!

Recorded classes will be added weekly. These 30-45 minute classes will focus on accessory core work which includes self massage, mobility and core muscle relaxation.

Detailed written program with photos of exercises and fillable template.

Class recordings will be available until July 2024, the written program is yours to keep.

Equipment Note:

We love and recommend the Yoga Tune Up massage balls. If you want to invest in a fantastic tool get a set of the therapy plus and the coregeous ball.


What types of exercises should I expect? 

This program includes both compound exercises with weights i.e. deadlifts and lunges. As well as bodyweight movements i.e. copenhagen and other planks. Expect accessory exercises for your abdominals, glutes, hip flexors, neck and pelvic floor awareness.

As always Kathryn will demonstrate a few different options. Participants who need additional guidance are encouraged to attend live and ask questions.

This program will include spinal flexion, side bending and twisting. This payment is non-refundable.