Strong to the Core
Strengthen your foundation and feel revitalized from the inside out
Here’s what you get:
2 classes per week (live & recorded)
A life changing approach to core strength
PDF workbook with photos and extra tutorials
Restore breathing, posture and core strength
Less back, neck and pelvic pain
More than crunches and kegels...
What makes our core program unique?
When you think of core strength what comes to mind? Crunches, sit-ups, pulling your navel to your spine?
Our core approach has three main parts.
Lift & load Classes will include exercises that target the different parts of the core from abs to hip flexors, glutes, and back muscles. Deadlifts, planks, hip thrusts etc…
Education & reflection More than just an exercise class. This series will include moments of personal reflection, and important information. Live classes will end with Q&A discussion.
Massage & mobility Years of “sitting up straight” rock hard abs, and/or “pulling navel to spine” can tighten our cores in ways that we might not even realize. Part of this program will be dedicated to self massage, breathing and core relaxation.
The core of the body is a complex area to work with, what do we mean by this?
Body image, birth trauma, over-dieting, over engaging, sucking in, peeing pants, bracing hard, stress, digestive issues, surgeries etc…
There’s a lot going on in our cores! If you are looking for a basic, quick fix with a lot of crunches this is not the program for you.
This 14-class program will forever change the way you understand and experience your core. Through this unconventional approach you will learn to soften, engage, breathe, and produce the force you need to lift and move with support and confidence.
If you have a history of persisting pain this program is an incredible way to re-build a strong core foundation.
Track progress with our PDF program for consistency
Find your starting point and make steady gains
Practice with us online from wherever you are in the world
“I really love Mindful Strength and Kathryn’s awesome teachings. I have strengthened my body SO much and I love all the brilliant movements and sequences Kathryn creates for each part of the body. It is truly a remarkable, life-changing program.“
“Thank you for the amazing classes, as always! I had a baby in April, and my body and capacities changed SO dramatically. It has been so great to take your classes as I started moving again — the emphasis on what you feel instead of what you do really helped me reconnect to a body that felt foreign to me.“
Dates and Details:
Begins January 17th 2024
14 Classes total, follow along in real time or complete the program at your own pace.
Live class is Wednesday 12:00-1:00pm ET
All live classes are recorded and available within 24 hours. Live classes also include Q&A, we are here to help you!
Recorded classes will be added weekly. These 30-45 minute classes will focus on accessory core work which includes self massage, mobility and core muscle relaxation.
Detailed written program with photos of exercises and fillable template.
Class recordings will be available until July 2024, the written program is yours to keep.
Equipment Note:
We love and recommend the Yoga Tune Up massage balls. If you want to invest in a fantastic tool get a set of the therapy plus and the coregeous ball.
What types of exercises should I expect?
This program includes both compound exercises with weights i.e. deadlifts and lunges. As well as bodyweight movements i.e. copenhagen and other planks. Expect accessory exercises for your abdominals, glutes, hip flexors, neck and pelvic floor awareness.
As always Kathryn will demonstrate a few different options. Participants who need additional guidance are encouraged to attend live and ask questions.
This program will include spinal flexion, side bending and twisting.
Equipment Needed:
Weights (kettlebells, dumbbells, or barbell, bring what you have)
Massage ball and blanket
A chair or footstool
Sign up for Early Bird!
Regular price: $225 CAD
About Kathryn
Kathryn (she/her) has been teaching yoga and movement since the age of 17. Growing up in her mother’s (Diane Bruni) yoga studio she has been learning about mindful movement her entire life. In 2012 Kathryn started exploring other modalities including powerlifting, gymanstics, and various forms of strength based exercise. She has completed a professional pain science mentorship with physiotherapist Neil Pearson, has interviewed some of the worlds top researchers and teachers for her podcast, and has taught workshops in over 10 countries. Kathryn has completed strength certifications with PICP Poliquin Level 2, she has worked with Ido Portal, has won the Ontario Provincials in raw powerlifting and has a passion for helping people understand their own capacity and confidence.