Teachers Immersion 2.0
A continuing education course for yoga, pilates, and fitness professionals wanting to bring more strength to their own practice and teaching.
Here’s what you get:
Top notch training with Kathryn and a stellar roster of guest teachers
8-week strength program for practical application
Weekly live workshops and discussions to grow your knowledge
A unique mix of lectures and practical learning for a well rounded experience
Up-level your education for stronger and more confident teaching

More About The Teacher's Immersion 2.0
How the course works
This course begins with a Strength Foundations weekend taught by Kathryn. This weekend will get you up to date on all the keywords, concepts, exercise science principles, and more.
This weekend also includes a workshop with Neil Pearson on pain science and how we can help people build strength, even if they are in pain.
Following the first weekend, we will meet each Wednesday from 12-3pm EST (Toronto/NYC time). Each Wednesday will run on the following schedule
12-12:45 pm – training led by Kathryn
12:45-1 pm – snack break
1-3 pm – workshop/discussion with Kathryn or guest faculty
Each week you will have 1 hour of homework i.e. taking a class, reading an article or listening to a podcast.
Learning and practicing strength
Throughout this training, you will not only learn about strength but experience it.
The 10-week strength progression taught by Kathryn will help bring the information to life and you will walk away from this course with practical experience in strength training.
You will also learn to craft your own strength program, as well as bring strength to the yoga, pilates, or fitness classes you already teach.
Calls will be recorded and available for 1 year
Wednesday's from Oct 5 - Dec 7 12-3pm EST
Intro Weekend Oct 1-2 12-5pm EST both days
Learn with and from a curious peer group
Everything is online, join from anywhere
Become the strongest teacher you can be
“I really love Mindful Strength and Kathryn’s awesome teachings. I have strengthened my body SO much and I love all the brilliant movements and sequences Kathryn creates for each part of the body. It is truly a remarkable, life-changing program.“
“Thank you for the amazing classes, as always! I had a baby in April, and my body and capacities changed SO dramatically. It has been so great to take your classes as I started moving again — the emphasis on what you feel instead of what you do really helped me reconnect to a body that felt foreign to me.“

Indu Vashist
Indu is a historian, yoga teacher and the executive director of the South Asian Visual Arts Centre in Toronto. Her workshop explains asana history and how the yoga we practice today has been shaped by physical culture.

Jules Mitchell M.S.
Jules is a biomechanics expert and the author of Yoga Biomechanics, Stretching Redefined. Her workshops dissect muscle and connective tissue adaptation science, and it’s application to strength and mobility.

Dr. Lisa Folden
Lisa is a physical therapist and Health At Every Size practitioner. Her workshop redefines health from a weight neutral perspective. Lisa also summarizes evidence on how people of all sizes can benefit from strength training, beyond weight loss.

Neil Pearson
Neil is a physiotherapist, yoga therapist and pain researcher. His workshop covers pain science, the biopsychosocial perspective and how to help people build strength when pain is present.

Dr. Scotty Butcher
Scotty is a physiotherapist, professor, and strength training enthusiast. His workshops cover strength science and strength as applied to conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. Scotty will also teach basic programming.
Who this course is for…
This three-month educational experience is for yoga, pilates, and group fitness teachers who want to bring more accessible strength building to their classes.
This training does not teach a specific method. You will learn skills, theories, movements, and the latest research on exercise science that will be immediately applicable to your own classes.
Wanting to use more bands and weights in your classes? Not interested in conventional fitness with roots in diet culture and outdated ideas? Do you work with a range of ages, sizes, and want to teach strength that is accessible? Don’t know what to do with your private clients to help them progress?
This is for you!
Learn to…
* Adapt exercises to meet the unique needs of the individual
* Understand physical adaptation and it’s relationship to safety
* Move beyond alignment based teaching
* Teach and practice your own strength progressions
* Bring strength to whatever it is you teach, in your own way
* Challenge beliefs about movement without throwing the baby out with the bath water
Register For Our Teacher’s Immersion 2.0
Payment Plans are available
Regular $1550
About Kathryn
Kathryn (she/her) has been teaching yoga and movement since the age of 17. Growing up in her mother’s (Diane Bruni) yoga studio she has been learning about mindful movement her entire life. In 2012 Kathryn started exploring other modalities including powerlifting, gymnastics, and various forms of strength-based exercise. She completed the Poliquin Levle 2 PICP training, as well as professional development with Agatsu, Ido Portal, Dr. Scotty Butcher, adult gymnastics and more. She has completed a professional pain science mentorship with physiotherapist Neil Pearson, has interviewed some of the world’s top researchers and teachers for her podcast, has taught workshops in over 10 countries, and is the author of the Mindful Strength Practice Deck.
To get the most out of this training the following equipment is strongly recommended…
Bar to hang from
Gymnastics rings (or TRX but we prefer rings) to hang from the bar
Light, medium, and heavy weight (kettlebells or dumbbells) this weight will depend on what you are comfortable lifting. 3 weight in total is great, if you have more we will make use of them.
Heavy and light resistance bands.
** You must be an active participant in the Mindful Strength Membership ($35/month) at the time of the course. Participation in specific classes will be assigned.
“I love just about ANYTHING that Kathryn teaches! Her depth of knowledge and laid-back style of teaching is right up my alley. Not only do I enjoy and get great benefits from both Kathryn and Kyle’s classes, but everything I learn is so wonderful to incorporate into my own yoga/movement classes.”
– Diane Murphy
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